So much has happened in the past month and a half! It's been a whirlwind: flying down to Atlanta in mid-March to audition, receiving a job offer later that month (what a wonderful phone call that was), and working quickly to make arrangements to find an apartment, and to figure out how to schlep my things (and my cat) down south. Not to mention, I was also lucky to have secured vaccination appointments in April, which were very welcome before the imminent move.
After a stressful week or three of packing, moving, picking out and assembling lots of new furniture, unpacking, and all of the other chores one would expect during a move, I have finally begun to feel at home here in the new flat. After six months living back in the home in which I grew up as a child, it’s felt freeing to have my own space to decorate and organize, as well as a new city to discover.
Käthe safely getting to know members of the congregation @ Glenn Memorial UMC